Friday, May 30, 2008


It is 5:24 am and I have been awake for sometime now. Foster, our dog, got into something yesterday and has been throwing up since 3:30am. We went over to our neighbor's yesterday afternoon to play on their huge blow-up water slide thingy. Alice just got it at Target and invited us over to join in the fun. Well, while over there, Foster was seen chewing and chewing, but I never could tell on what. Still can't, but his tummy doesn't like it. So I am up with him.

Since it is nearly dawn, I have on my walking shoes and we are going out for a walk. I don't like the feel of my post baby body and need to do something about it. It's hard walking during the day with all three kids. Becca doesn't mind the Baby Bjorn but I think it must get uncomfortable. Anyway, I am trying to walk in the morning around 6am before everyone is up. I like the quiet and I am getting the exercise I need. Just didn't think I'd start this early today.

My camera battery died a week ago so I haven't been able to get pictures off it. I have some great ones of the last day of school, the kids playing at Maymount...I will post them and stories later.


Anonymous said...

Jenni, you will always be slim and trim. No fat in this family!!LOL B.L. and I walk 3 miles a day, and you sure can't beat good muscle tone. Walking cures alot of "ills", plus it gives you time for good conversation or fantastic meditation. Taking a dog always adds fun and an element of discovery. Good for you!!!
Love, Helen

Anonymous said...

Jenni, sorry your dog was sick. And you had to be up so early. Ick. By all means get more pictures up of the children. They are so cute!!!!! Enjoy them! I love reading your blogs and seeing pictures.

Anonymous said...

Jenni, Still waiting for pictures! So, go get a battery. LOL It's not like you have anything else to do.

Love, Helen