Sunday, September 21, 2008


Molly started soccer a 2 weeks ago. She was so excited for her first practice. Scott and his brother Marc are coaching the team and my nephew Russell is also on the team. The league breaks them up by age-U6 is theirs (under 6 yrs old.). Our team is the youngest of the U6 teams. Everyone is 4 except Molly and no one has ever played before.

The first practice they had to come up with a team name. One little girl mentioned the Unicorns and Russell mentioned the Spiders. All the girls except Molly thought that was to scary and they became the Unicorns. (which Russell still hates!!) Molly liked soccer (or the idea of it) until they had a practice game against another U6 team, the Yellow Jackets. In her words..."it was mean. A boy pushed me when I was kicking the ball. It's not a nice sport." She wasn't sure how she felt about going back, but she did and had a lot of fun the second time around. The Unicorns played the Yellow Jackets again and lost 7-1. The Unicorns played hard and had fun anyway. Molly was more aggressive and even brought the ball down the field where she passed it to Russell who unsuccessfully tried for a goal. It's going to be a fun season!!! :)

Russell and Molly before the practice/game.
Marc (in white) Russell, Scott, my other nephew Hill is beside Scott, and Molly.
Molly..."Go Unicorns!"


During the game. Molly is taking the ball towards the goal.
Fans cheering the mighty Unicorns!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! I couldn't get over the "action" shots of Molly. She looks like a fierce player. Good for her. She's as beautiful as ever.