Thursday, June 12, 2008


I Love and Hate the time of day from 5:00-6:30pm. Everyone is tired, hungry and ready for Scott to get home from work. It is a stressful time for me. The dog is trained to eat at 5pm and begins to pace at 4:45. Becca now eats solid food around 5:00. Dinner needs cooking. Molly and Jack begin asking :...where's daddy, can I have a snack?, where's daddy..." you get the idea. Some days, I yell for everyone to leave the kitchen and others, like today, are magical. I moved my iPod player into the kitchen and few weeks ago. (When I get my new fancy kitchen one day, I want an iPod dock and a small flat screen TV for the room. I fell isolated in there and I never get to see the evening local news. ) Anyway, I turned on Sarah McLachlan and Molly and Jack sat down at the table to color. All you could her was Sarah singing the song Answer and Becca cooing along with her. I looked around the corner and this is what I found. My two biggies busy working on their art. Jack is just getting interested in coloring and doing well. It was a beautiful moment. (I burned my chicken and didn't care!!!)

Jack was very proud of his picture.
Molly drew a picture of Frosty the snowman and his wife. (To those who know...I think she looks like Ann in this picture)

Later, after dinner, Becca decided to go without a diaper. I thought she looked cute sitting up! Look at her ROLLS! Gotta love it!


Anonymous said...

Molly does look like Ann in that picture. BL agreed. Once again, what incredibly beautiful children. I still am so glad they don't watch endless TV, and actually draw and color and play the way children should. How smart they are, and how far they will go in life. Good job, Jenni and Scott!!

Anonymous said...

Jenni, I just love the new picture of the three children. They are so beautiful!!!!! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time with them. I am so glad to see you enjoy it "all". LOL Somehow I just can't see Ann in Molly(in that particular picture). I keep going back and looking. Molly is really something tho. And Jack....what can I say, I love little boys, they are so special, and Miss Becca, is just a real cutie. Enjoy them everyday, they will be grown before you know it. Love,