Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nana bread & duck-duck

Nana brought Molly some Nana bread when she came for Becca's party. Molly was so excited to have a huge chunk after lunch today. Way, way, way back in the day, I was the young one eating chunks of Dana's bread. When dad and Dana started dating, I loved going over to her house because she always had bread. It was (still is) the best bread ever. Molly, Becca and I ate half a loaf today!!!
I was shopping one afternoon with Molly and Becca. Molly spied bin of stuffed animals and decided she, Jack, and Becca all needed one. Being in a good mood, I agreed. Molly chose a horse, for Jack, we picked a monkey, and Becca reached out for a duck. All three kids love their animals, but Becca loves hers. When I lay her down to sleep, she reaches for it and tucks it under her arm. After nap/bedtime, she holds onto it and keeps it with her until she is now longer sleepy. We have named it Duck-Duck which she can now say. Here she is with Duck-Duck....

I Love her.

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