Monday, April 28, 2008

Rain, rain go away.

I know I am supposed to be happy that we are getting so much rain since we've been in a draught, but come on already! The good Lord doesn't think about us mommies who have little ones who need to get outside a RUN! I should be counting my 2 aunts and uncle in Reno, Nevada are dealing with lots and lots of earthquakes. Billie Lee said the "...earthquakes have lost their charm." I think I'd think that after the first one. Hang tough!!

We had a good weekend. Our good friend Bree gave us 3 tickets to the Theatre IV production of Peter Pan that she could not. So, Scott took Molly and Jack to the performance after breakfast at the Dairy Bar. He said they all loved it, that it was long and that we need to take them to more plays! Molly loved Wendy and Jack thought Captain Hook was "cool" and a bit scary. Later that night, our favorite babysitter came over and I took Scott to dinner for his birthday. His 34th birthday is not until tomorrow, but we celebrated early. Molly is SO EXCITED about Scott's birthday. She has a lot of Aunt Emmy in her in that she is always counting down to her birthday. (Emmy could always tell you how many days until her birthday and would tell us often) Anyway, Molly knows that after Scott's birthday is mine and after mine is hers. I am sure she will soon be counting the actual days and telling us like Emmy did. Molly also loves to celebrate and share her love for other people. She has a list a mile long of gifts she wants to give Scott. What we are giving him is pretty cool, but I can't say anything until later. Scott always figures out his gifts and I want to truly surprise him this year. Molly, Jack and I are going to decorate the house, make posters, and bake him his favorite cupcakes. I think it should be a fun time.

I put Becca in an outfit today that was once Molly's. I found an old picture of Molly in it when she was 9 months old. Becca is only 5 months old wearing the same thing! I used to think her size was cute and that she looked fine. Now, I feel a little sensitive about how big she is. Her GI doc, Dr. G., saw her on Thursday and used the word obese 3 times! He said" are clearly feeding this child to much." Which after he told me the most she should be getting a day (32 oz) I told him she only takes between 28-30 oz a day. I've tried giving her more but she knows when she's had enough!!! After the appointment, I called our beloved pediatrician and told him all about it. (he wanted me to call anyway to fill him in on the visit) He made me feel better about her size and reminded me that he thought I wasn't feeding her enough. :)

Becca, telling me she'd had enough. I think she looks like her cousin Grace here.


Anonymous said...

Jenni, I remember how it felt to wish the rain would go away so Sarah and Turner could get out and play. It sounds like Scott, Molly and Jack had fun at the play. You are lucky to have such a nice family. Of course they are lucky to have you. Becca and Molly do look alot alike I think(same outfit picture). I am like you, rather have rain than earthquakes.

Anonymous said...

Jenni, Becca is just perfect. She takes after her sister and her sister takes after her Mom. Jack is drop dead gorgeous too. I think Scott has all the best birthday gifts on earth, with you four. Oh, and I am of the opinion that when to earth moves, a person should be making love. LOL Happy Birthday to Scott! Love, Helen