It has been a L-O-N-G weekend. Scott is in California running a relay race. He started running them about 4 years ago. This race is called "The Relay". A 10 member team runs a total of 199 miles. Other races have been longer. Scott ran 3 parts totalling 19 miles. I looked at the results on line and their team, Southern Stride, came in 26 out of 198 teams. Not bad!
Anyway, he left on Thursday and I've been alone with the munchkins ever since. It has been fun, lonely, exhausting and has given me a newer respect for single parents. My pictures are all out of order from the weekend, so bear with me.
Sunday, it RAINED. We got 2 1/2 inches. By the afternoon, Molly and Jack were crawling up the walls. When I hadn't heard thunder in an hour, I let them run around outside for a while. They had a blast. You can see Molly is having a great time. I was laughing at her so hard the camera moved when I took the picture.

Jack thought he'd shovel the rain.

On the deck ready to come in!

On Friday night I let them sleep together in Molly's bed. They stayed up until 9:30 talking and giggling. I love that they love each other so much. I went in to check on them around 10pm and took these.

On Saturday, my friend Anya and I took Molly, Jack, and Wyatt to see
Diego Live! . We laughed how in another life we would have been so excited to get tickets to see Dave Matthews or something of the like. Now, we get excited when we get good tickets to see a cartoon character dance and sing! :) It was a good show and I am glad we went. Alison graciously offered to watch Becca for me which I really appreciated. It was fun to do something like this alone with the biggies.

This is from Sunday. I turned on some music and we danced around like crazy people. Molly decided Foster was the audience. I give him a hard time but he really is a good dog and they love him! (AND yes, my son is dressed up in a pink dress. he doesn't think his "boy" dress-ups are any fun. they aren't. who really wants to put on a stiff firefighters jacket and dance when pink tulle is soft and twirls nicely??)

All in all it was a good weekend. I can't wait for Scott to get home late tomorrow night. I don't sleep well when he's gone and I could use a good night's sleep. Also, Foster gets hyper alert when he's away and barks and growls at every sound. I also just miss him.
Again, I see you when I look at Molly. It's uncanny. You looked just like that when you were all wet. I'll bet they smelled so good when they came in. Yum.
Love Helen
Jenni, your children are so beautiful!!!! I enjoy seeing the pictures and reading what you guys are up to.
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