My sweet little thing is having gut issues again. The last few days she has gotten fussier and fussier. Sorry to say, it's not something I noticed right way. A little fussing here (she's tired) and little fussing there ("Molly, Becca doesn't need 10 toys, you've upset her...") and the next thing I know, I have a baby who is crying all the time no matter what I do to sooth her. Then it dawned on me to check her diapers and there it was, BLOOD! I took her to my beloved pediatrician the next day and his nurse tested 4 diapers and they where all positive for blood. As luck would have it, a rep from Mead Johnson, the makers of her formula, was at his office that morning. Dr. W. went out and spoke to him and they both came back to discuss a different formula to start Becca on. Regular formula is made mostly with cow's milk and the proteins are made up of long strings of amino acids. The
Pregestimil formula that Becca was on have the protein chains broken down into smaller strings. The new formula,
Nutramigen AA, the proteins are completely broken down. The Mead Johnson man gave me his card and said to call him in 2 days and he'd arrange to have the company send me the first case free. When I asked how much it was going to cost us, he gave me an 'I'm sorry ' look and told me the cost.
Pregestimil was Oh-My-God expensive. This new stuff is MAKE-YOU-THROW-UP expensive. Kindly, the Mead Johnson man said he would help me fill out all the paper work to have our insurance pay for some of it.
Good news is, despite her tummy pains, she continues to thrive. Today she weighed 17 lbs 14oz. She is well on her way to weighing more than Jack did at 5 months. (Molly weighed 19 lbs 12 oz at 1 year!)
Isn't she sweet? I took these last night as I was getting her ready for bed.

I just now saw the blog about Becca and she is absolutely incredible. She doesn't look like she feels bad. Lord, I wish I could be around them now. See you next summer, I hope.
Love Helen
Jenni, Becca is a doll baby. So are Jack and Molly too of course. You have incredible children. Enjoy every moment with them.
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