I can't get over that my sweet Molly is 5 years-old. She loves to hear about the day she was born so here goes...
About 3-4 weeks before you were born Dr. Tate had to check how you were doing in my belly. She was examining Mommy and made a funny sound, like something wasn't quite right. I sat up and she said she felt a butt instead of a head. So she sent me down to have an ultrasound and sure enough, you were butt down. A Frank Breech to be exact. So Dr. Tate gave me some ideas of things to try at home to help you turn around the right way. Mommy did some really funny things, but none of them worked.
Dr. Tate was worried about me going in to labor and decided to schedule the date of your birth. Your father and I agreed to try an External Version in hopes you'd turn around. If it worked, she was going to start labor and you'd be born. If it didn't work, Dr. Tate was going to have to cut my tummy open to get you out. On July 1st, your father and I got to St. Mary's Hospital at 5:30 am. I went to my room and put on my robe and waited for Dr. Tate to arrive. She arrived at 7am as promised. Dr.Tate, with the help of a nurse and another doctor, used all their might to turn you around inside my belly. One person pushed at your feet and the other at your head. They twisted you around clock wise many times, but you never moved. It hurt more than I can describe and they gave me nothing for the pain. After many tries, we had to give up. I was going to have to wait until 2:00 pm for the scheduled c-section.
Later, while your daddy and I waited, your heart rate went from 145 beats to 5 beats in a split second. Just as we pushed the button for the nurse, Dr. Butener, Dr. Tate's partner, and 3 nurses ran in. The doctor yelled at your dad, which he later said he liked because he knew she was in charge, telling him to sit and not move. There were 2 people on either side of me. They put an oxygen mask on my face and raised my bed so my feet went up in the air and yelled to me to move from side to side. It was hard for me to move so fast so the nurses were helping me move. Finally, your heart rate went back up to normal. Dr. Tate, who was seeing patients, came in. The 2 doctors decided that I should have my epidural now in case that happened again. If you had to come in an emergency, they didn't want to have to put me to sleep. A little while later the anesthesiologist came in and gave me some medicine. I could not feel my legs and feet for a long, long time.
Shortly before 2:00, your Emmy, PapPap, and Nana came to see me. They visited for a little while and then went to go get lunch. I was happy to see them. The nurse came and got me ready to go to the OR. While I was wheeled to the OR, your daddy was in our room putting on his special suit that looked a lot like a space suit. He waited there for the nurse to come get him. I was on the table and they were cleaning my belly and putting up a curtain. The anesthesiologist was very nice and talked to me so I didn't feel so nervous. He told me what they were doing and what they were about to do. Dr. Tate had already started when your daddy walked in. We talked and then Dr. Tate looked over the curtain to say I'd feel a lot of pressure and tugging. She was ready to pull you out! The pulling and tugging didn't hurt, but it sure felt strange. She pulled you out and looked over to us and said"It's a Girl!!" Your daddy kissed me many times and then got up to watch them clean you up. You cried a little, then a lot. After they cleaned you up, they handed you to daddy and he sat down next to me while they closed me up. You were so little and pink and very cute. As Dr. Tate worked, she told me you were stuck up under my rib and that your cord was less than 10 inches long. You would not have been able to go out the other way and if you had, something very bad would have happened. You knew what you were doing up there in my tummy all along.
I went back to my room and daddy went out to the waiting room to share the good news. Lots of people came to see you on your birthday. You were loved deeply from the very beginning by many people. I love you to sweet Molly. More than I can say. You came into this world in a unique way and it has been your personality ever since. I hope for you a life time of joy, laughter, art, and great conversations with people you love. Happy 5th Birthday.
1 comment:
I, too, like to hear the story of my birthday and my mama has told me 26 times already. My dad laughed at her this year and said she had a few details confused.
I remember seeing sweet baby Molly right when they took her out of your tummy. She was a perfect little girl! We all "oooed" and "aaahed" as she got her first bath.
I love you, Molly!
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