March 24th is a big day in our home. It is Jack's birthday, our wedding anniversary, and was Julie's birthday. When Scott and I were planning our wedding, we knew we wanted to be married in March and the dates were going to be the 17th (Daddy's birthday) or the 24th (Julie's). I asked them both if they minded and neither of them did. The deciding factor ended up being the availability of the band. So 7 years ago we were married. Four years later, we were told our 2nd child would have to be delivered on that day as well. I find it fitting that Jack is born on his Aunt Julie's birthday. I know there is a part of her in him. He resembles her as a baby/child. He is kind and gentle like she was and cu
rious about animals and nature. There are times when I look into his big blue eyes and see her. On March 24th, I am reminded of how wonderful a good marriage is, how lucky I am to have such a sweet son, and how terribly much I miss Julie.
We had a fun party for Jack. He wanted pizza for dinner(!), fruit, and blue cupcakes. His grandparents,Bruce and Patty, Uncle Marc, Aunt Keller and the boys all came over to celebrate.
beautiful post. he's got the most amazing spirit of any kid I've ever known.
that second picture makes me want to just squeeze him.
Happy anniversary to you and Scott! And happy birthday to Jack!
I'm so glad you're blogging too. I've been watching them grown up through pictures Emily has forwarded. I'm so glad I can read all about them now too.
:) Melissa
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