A few highlights: All three kids are in school this year. Molly is in Kindergarten at St. Catherine's School. She is taking it by storm and loving every minute. Jack is in Pre-K and seems to be very happy. He and his BFF Wyatt were separated this year which at first was hard on Jack. They have been in the same class for 2 years and we are neighbors who carpool. They see each other plenty. Becca is in a class for 2 days for an hour and half. Her teacher is the one Jack had when he started and I was pregnant with Boo. It's great having Becca Boo in her class. She has only been 2 times, but seems happy. Scott is off on a running trip with some guys from Sewanee. They have run the Reach The Beach Relay. They started at the top of Mt. Washington and run to the beach. 209 miles in 48 hours. They seem to be having fun and he will be home tomorrow. (THANK GOODNESS) I have been "alone" since Tuesday and I'm fried. I really thought he was coming home tonight but they are at a Nascar race in NH. Wonder what I get for all this.....
Everyone has one activity this fall. Jack is playing soccer, Becca has a music class and Molly is taking ballet and will be in Girl Scouts. (that's 2 for MEN, oh well) I will be Molly's troop leader so that's one more thing for me as well. I took Molly shopping for her new ballet things and Becca was in heaven in the "...princess store". She spied a tutu and I had to get it for her. She wore it for days on end calling it her princess. " I wear my princess mommy." Who could say NO?
Becca having a snack wearing her princess.
Becca playing with her baby.