My sweet girl is now in Big School. Granted, this year is Junior Kindergarten, but she is still in a big school. (for those who don't know Jr. Kindergartner is not pre-K. we were told this up front and very matter-of-factly! I have come to learn that it is a program for girls who turn 5 in the summer.) The JK girls at St. Catherine's have their own house, yard and playground. They, like the other girls in the Lower School, have PE 3 days a week and Library once a week. She will have Music and Art next year, but no formal classes this year. She goes from 8am until 12:30. A longer day than she's used to.
I have been so nervous about her going to Big School. She seems so little to me. I am now on the other side of the classroom door and understand completely why I had mother's wringing their hands the first week of school. They didn't know me and yet their child was going to be in my care for 8 hours a day. WOW! Now, I fear that her teachers will not see how special she is, how creative and inquisitive she is. I know there will be good teachers and great teachers and they will all shape her for better or worse...
This is Molly standing outside the JK house on the day we met her teachers.

This is her first day. She told Scott walking in this morning that she was , "... a little nervous daddy. I hope I make a friend."

I cried when I pulled into the carpool line to pick her up. She yelled out my name and was so happy to see me. Her teacher told me that Molly was, "...all smiles and seemed excited about everything we did today." I think her teacher is going to get Molly. I could tell by the things she said and the ease in her voice as we chatted. As we drove off, Molly yelled good-bye to Peyton, her new friend. It was a good day! :)