Last night I pulled out some games and puzzles I had from teaching. Molly and Jack decided to play the rhyming match game. The object is to find the 2 piece that rhyme and fit together like a puzzle. Molly is an excellent rhymer, Jack, at 3, is still learning. After having taught first grade for 6 years, I'd pretty much heard it all in real and made up words when rhyming, well until last night.
Molly picks up the picture of a bucket. She's talking to herself and then yells out "I know! Bucket, Fuck-it. " That was a first. :)
Have a Great day!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I Love and Hate the time of day from 5:00-6:30pm. Everyone is tired, hungry and ready for Scott to get home from work. It is a stressful time for me. The dog is trained to eat at 5pm and begins to pace at 4:45. Becca now eats solid food around 5:00. Dinner needs cooking. Molly and Jack begin asking :...where's daddy, can I have a snack?, where's daddy..." you get the idea. Some days, I yell for everyone to leave the kitchen and others, like today, are magical. I moved my iPod player into the kitchen and few weeks ago. (When I get my new fancy kitchen one day, I want an iPod dock and a small flat screen TV for the room. I fell isolated in there and I never get to see the evening local news. ) Anyway, I turned on Sarah McLachlan and Molly and Jack sat down at the table to color. All you could her was Sarah singing the song Answer and Becca cooing along with her. I looked around the corner and this is what I found. My two biggies busy working on their art. Jack is just getting interested in coloring and doing well. It was a beautiful moment. (I burned my chicken and didn't care!!!)

Jack was very proud of his picture.
Beautiful Becca
I couldn't decide which one was the cutest, so I included them all. This was from Saturday when Molly arrived home from the first birthday party on her busy social calendar. Becca was playing in the saucer and thrilled to see Molly home. Molly put this tiara on B's head and I ran for the camera.
(Guilty mom confessions...I was disappointed when I realized Becca was going to have brown eyes. Molly and Jack's are blue and they are pretty. But now, WOW! I melt when I look at Becca's BIG BROWN eyes. They are stunning. )

(Guilty mom confessions...I was disappointed when I realized Becca was going to have brown eyes. Molly and Jack's are blue and they are pretty. But now, WOW! I melt when I look at Becca's BIG BROWN eyes. They are stunning. )
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Just Jack
I snapped these last week while Jack played quietly by himself. He plays so nicely by himself and can do so for a long time. (Molly is a different story.) He didn't know I took these. 

He is such a sweetie. He has a heart of gold and never wants to disappoint anyone he loves. i have to be careful at times because he takes things you say personally and is easily hurt. I told him the other day that I was unhappy with him b/c he took a toy from Becca and he broke down. He is funny and silly and very loving. He is beginning to draw figuratively and I love seeing how his mind thinks on paper. Scott praised his last picture (it was of Me!) and he said to Scott, "well dad, most days I just scribble scrabble. I'm not so good yet, but I'm working hard at drawing. I'll be good some day." I love him dearly...
Yeah! A Battery!
Ok, so it wasn't just a battery that kept me away. Molly and Jack are not in preschool right now and I can't get anything done in my day! Back in the day when I was teaching, I never understood the groan that parents made when school ended and the celebration when it resumed. NOW I GET IT. It's not that they didn't love their kids, it's just that it is so much easier to grocery shop, do laundry, run errands in general, clean and read the newspaper when you have 2-3 hours in the morning alone. It has been lots of fun having them home, don't get me wrong. But if you drop by my house anytime this summer, it will be a shock! I have laundry on the dining room table 24/7. Anyway...who cares, right?
I got away for a little time tonight. I went to see Sex and the City with my friend Sarah. I have been in love with the girls from New york since the very beginning. Scott and I accidentally starting getting HBO many moons ago when our neighbor in the downstairs of our duplex signed up for it and we got it too. I did, for the record, report it to Comcast but the never came by to fix it. We got hooked on the Sopranos and SATC and when we moved into our first house, we had to sign up for HBO. I have loved almost all of their shows since. Anyway, we went to one theatre and the 4 shows for the night were sold out. We decided to try a ghetto movie theatre and if it too were sold out, we'd get a beer or something. It wasn't sold out so I saw it!!!! It was awesome!!!
So here are some pictures of things that we've been up to lately. We took the kids to Maymont over Memorial Day weekend. Becca really wanted a nap. She was a trooper.
Looking at 6 water snakes.

Molly and Becca playing.
One I thought of using....
Molly and Jack on their FIRST day of school.
On their LAST day of school. They were not happy, as you can see.
Becca after a bath. She loves being naked.
More sitting...

We have a busy weekend ahead. Molly has been invited to 2 birthday parties and our family was invited to another. It is supposed to be hot as HE-- here this weekend. I bet we'll be at the pool in between parties.
I got away for a little time tonight. I went to see Sex and the City with my friend Sarah. I have been in love with the girls from New york since the very beginning. Scott and I accidentally starting getting HBO many moons ago when our neighbor in the downstairs of our duplex signed up for it and we got it too. I did, for the record, report it to Comcast but the never came by to fix it. We got hooked on the Sopranos and SATC and when we moved into our first house, we had to sign up for HBO. I have loved almost all of their shows since. Anyway, we went to one theatre and the 4 shows for the night were sold out. We decided to try a ghetto movie theatre and if it too were sold out, we'd get a beer or something. It wasn't sold out so I saw it!!!! It was awesome!!!
So here are some pictures of things that we've been up to lately. We took the kids to Maymont over Memorial Day weekend. Becca really wanted a nap. She was a trooper.
We have a busy weekend ahead. Molly has been invited to 2 birthday parties and our family was invited to another. It is supposed to be hot as HE-- here this weekend. I bet we'll be at the pool in between parties.
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